Me: Yeah it's a nice house. It's pretty old, but it's alright. In fact it's kind of too large.
Friend: You know what you should do about that, right?
Me: Huh?
Friend: You know what you need to do if you're feeling the house is too large, don't you?
Me: I don't know. I think I'll just get used to it...
<later in the conversation>
Me: Oh wait, is that what you meant when you said I should do something about the house being large?
Friend: What did you think?
Me: Well, I thought you were saying I should get more furniture. You know there's room for more furniture here...
Yeh. Get an arranged marriage. The wife is a kind of a furniture in this case, anyway...
I believe one thing can fill the empty space...
Convert your house into a home.
Just leave your heart behind....cos 'home is where the heart is...'
I bet you know how to do it.
Good luck!
So, when is the wedding :) ?
Hi Manoj,
Thanks for the birthday greeting and for taking the time to wish it as well. I passed your message to him.
Gosh! You blog a lot like I do :P
Nice ones.
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